marți, septembrie 21

Izbaviti di talancuta

Voi asocia totdeauna Anglia cu serialul Saved by the Bell. Da, ma mai uitam si cand eram mica, dar nu imi aduceam aminte prea multe. In Anglia insa, am vazut toate sezoanele + cele doua filme facute in urma. Si-am ramas din orele alea cu cateva vorbe de duh.

saved by the bell
Asculta mai multe audio diverse

* My brain salutes you

* Ok, I'm down, but I'm not out !

* A: I haven't had any complaints in the love department
B: Well, you hadn't had any shoppers either

* Women are like vines. If you fall off one, you can swing with another

* A: It's just talk...
B: Yes, they're using the right words

* A: There are mysteries you can't solve...
B: Yes, like why does Sinead O'Connor have a hairdryer?

* A: I'm free tonight !
B: I can see why...

* I am not a piece of toast so, why are you buttering me up?

* A: I'm James the 3rd
B: Zack Morris, the one and only

* A: Water, sir ? (do you want...)
B: No, thanks, I'm trying to quit

* Best thing about highschool is that after graduation you never have to come back



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