marți, februarie 16

Morala: drumul spre iad e pavat cu intentii bune.

Mda... am renuntat la 7 lire/ora pentru a nu ajunge in iad. Ca sa fiu mai explicita, un anume domn Dark ( isi merita numele ) mi-a propus azi sa fiu student supervisor la o scoala indiana. In ce consta jobul? Din titulatura nu pare mare branza.

Apai, sa intram in detalii. Se iau elevi intre 14 si 18 ani... si se bat pana cand se plictiseste supraveghetorul. Cica exista 7 pedepse la ei... si pentru a trece semestrul, fiecare elev trebuie sa incaseze 10 ore de pedepse.E un fel de a le arata ca e mai bine sa invete carte, altfel o s-o incaseze toata viata. Exista si modalitati de a-i usura munca pedepsitorului. Nu e obligat sa mearga la sediul scolii, copiii pot fi trimisi la el acasa... sa-i faca si curat eventual ( e una din pedepse.

Am crezut ca face misto de mine, i-am zis sa-mi trimita cele 7 pedepse pe mail. Apoi m-a sunat... cica sa le invat in 10 minute si suna sa ma verifice :)), sa fie sigur ca stiu ce sa fac. Eu citeam, citeam si ma ingrozeam...

Si pe bune, exista 2 variante: ori a fost o gluma proasta ( de genul aia vin acasa si ti-o golesc in 10 minute - desi omul a insistat ca pot sa merg la scoala lor, nu e nevoie sa-i primesc la mine acasa)... ori astia nu sunt intregi la cap. Nu mai stau sa traduc, dau copy paste la cele 7 pedepse... ce cifra au ales, plenitudinea:

There are total 7 punishments you need to give during their punishment session. Each student must need to complete atleast 10 hours punishment before they go to the next semester.

1)Murgha Punishment - This is a punishment in which the punished person takes the position of a "murgha"]. This is done by squatting, and then bringing the arms between the legs and firmly holding the ears. The person is required to position the buttocks as high as possible and holding his/her ears all the time.

If he/she tries to lower his hip or leave his ears, you need to make harder the punishment. You can make it hard by following ways.

· Put some weight on his bun like book, bag or glass of water, it should be on bare back, not on shirt.

· You can ask him to close the gap between his legs

· You can wider the gap between his legs

· You can make him murgha and put your legs on his back while keep cane in hand, and if he tries to get up, hit him hard with cane or slipper

After these entire if he still makes mistake than you need to give him 6 strokes for each mistake by slipper or cane. He is not allowed to rub his bottom during hitting, if he does so than you need to hit that stroke again.

2) Standing In corner while both hands up

If he/she tries to lower his/her hand, you can slap him/her each time until he completes whole 10 minute. Slap him hard on his face. Normally a student repeats that mistake 6 or 7 times, so I would expect at least 7 slaps from you during the punishment.

3) Touch to toes

In this punishment, you need to ask him to bend over and touch his toes with both hands. In this position, you must need to monitor that he should complete 20 minutes without bending his knees. If he does any mistake, than you could hit him 6 strokes by slipper for each mistake. I would expect at least 50 strokes this time.

4) Murgha Parade

In this punishment, you must need to make him murgha, and ask him to walk in that position for 40 minutes. If he does any mistake, you must need to make it hard by above methods and for each mistake hit him hard.

5) Sits Up

In this punishment, you will order him to do sit-ups. He must continue to do all sits up fast all 20 minutes. But if he does stop or any other mistakes than you could make it hard , hit him hard or any other way you want to make it more insulting for him.

6) Cleaning

In this section, you will ask him to clean something. It totally on you, to make him realise that he/she must need to study to pass his exams.

In addition to all above, if he still has got some time left for his punishment than you can give him any punishment listed above to complete his time.

7) Kneel down on floor and with some weight
You must need to put some weight on his bare back while keeping slipper in hand so if he stops somewhere you must need to hit him hard on his bottom.

The end.

M-a sunat omul dupa 10-15 minute alocate aprofundarii pedepselor. I-am spus ca nu as putea sa fac asa ceva si in plus, nu sunt de acord sa-i primesc la mine acasa. Nenea Dark insista: dar nu e necesar, poti sa vii la scoala noastra. Ok, da' nu sunt pentru pedepse fizice. EL : da' alea nu sunt pedepse fizice. Doar daca ei chiar nu respecta ce le impui din prima... ( a se reciti pedeapsa a 2 de mai sus din care repet 'so I would expect at least 7 slaps from you during the punishment' ). Stiu ca ti se pare ciudat la o prima citire, da' am avut persoane pe care le-am recrutat care au avut aceeasi reactie initial... si apoi au zis ca e chiar FUN ?! La care eu : excuse me, fun ? Dumisale : Da, fun, o sa vezi.
Subsemnata : Multumesc mult pentru oferta, dar cred ca raman la decizia mea, va doresc numai bine.

In rest, am avut azi un interviu pentru PA, directorul ziceai ca e prins de pe balta... mi-a zis ca ii place de mine, ca el cunoaste niste romani si romanii sunt de 2 feluri: ori buni, ori rai, nu-i cale de mijloc. O sa ma contacteze in cateva zile sa-mi spuna daca ma cheama la al 2-lea interviu sau nu. M-a intrebat daca am nr lui de telefon, in caz ca nu primesc nimic sa-l sun, sa nu fiu timida, ca el e ocupat si e posibil sa uite. Si oricum, sa-l sun, chiar daca nu o sa ma aleaga pe mine... 'we will definitely keep in touch' ( WTF?!- vrea sa iesim la o cafea sau ce ????? )

O zi luuuuuunga...



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